You May Want to Try BidTrotter!


As a result of hearing that members of PAW have had good experiences with BidTrotter (*please if you don’t mind, enter referring user name: “watcher” when you register, thank you!) we decided to tell you more.

Here’s what we received from them two months ago:

Hello, I just wanted to extend my appreciation for you listing us in your “List of sites”. If I may tell you a little bit about BidTrotter, so that you may feel even more comfortable about our site. We use NO BOTS! No Schills, or anything that could be associated with a less that honest approach. We rely on a few things to turn a profit (which we have yet to do). 1. Customer service. We have a person at the email box (almost all hours of operation. We usually answer emails within 15 minutes. This is what I ask of anyone working for us. We are not a large company by any stretch. We have 2 web programmers, Myself (owner/president of Walcetti LLC), an admin, and a secretary. 2. We have to keep overhead as low as we can. While at the same time we have (in the less than 3 months we have been in business) ran 2 third party audits on ourselves. We have gone to great lengths (and expense) to provide a fair website. Not only fair, but equitable. What I mean by that is we try to keep the site to where everyone has a chance. Of course we have some of the same people winning the larger ticketed items. That is difficult to police. So, we try to post items that maybe someone that wants to only chance a small “Token Pot” could win a little easier. 3. We do our absolute best at diversity. We scour on a constant basis for new items that you may not see on other sites. We try to offer something that maybe other are not. Of course we have TV’s, Mac’s, and IPod touch’s but we try to keep it fresh. We also ship fast! We ship most order within 72 hours or less! Not too many site can make this claim. Anyway, I just wanted to take a few moments to tell you a little more about BidTrotter. I know that it is an important issue to deal with when it comes to honest business running and honest operation. Especially when you are running a site like a reverse penny auction. The very reason we opened out site up is because we want to provide an honest system. We met with some very suspect sites, and that is where the idea was born Thank you for your indulgence, and making your way to the bottom of this page lol

What Sets BidTrotter Apart:

Win Limit: 2 per 7 day period.

Second Place Winners: If you placed 100 bids or more on an item you may still win!

The person that placed the most bids on an item that did not win the item receives 25% of their tokens back.

Interval Rates: Vary Based on MSRP of auction item:


Scheduled Auctions: All auctions will only be allowed to end from 9:00am to 1:00am Eastern Standard Time. If an auction is set to end at 1:03 am, at 1:00am the new ending time for that auction item will become 9:03am.

Shout Outs: Want an extra edge in the game?

Choose a variety of shout outs to try and scare your fellow bidders away, (and just for fun) including:

  • The BidTrotter guy looks like a dork!
  • Gotta Run, You beat my BidCoach and you deserve it!
  • I just bought the big BIG BIG! token pot!
  • Don’t worry, be happy…
  • Don’t worry. I’ll Be Back.
  • My tokens are bigger than your tokens.
  • You DON’T want to go to war with me!
  • Can I borrow some tokens? I’ll pay them back, REALLY!

Some recent comments we’ve received on BidTrotter in the forum:

As a member of numerous online penny auctions I have to say Bidtrotter is a class act. At first I had two minor issues and when I contacted them they resolved it without question and fast. Having won a couple high end items there, they are now one of favorite auctions. By the way I am not accociated with them in any way. -BidtoWin

I was a little skeptical if I would receive the item that I won because I won it with the free bids they give you for signing up. But, today I received it. Wow, not bad! ;)-PennyBidder

I can say that does not use bots. I’ve seen their auctions, spoken with some bidders and been in communication with the owner and he is very intent on running a fair auction site. I highly recommend BidTrotter.-Craig

Coming from you Craig, I believe it’s true. Zoozle has been very good to\for me. I wish you all the best.-AllforAnM

If you do decide to try BidTrotter out please be sure to comment in the forum about your experiences with them.

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3 comments… add one
  • Chris August 31, 2010, 1:44 pm

    These guys paint a pretty picture but they do a shady business. I have seen timers skip and as far as them shipping items fast 3 out of 4 wins from the site involved me contacting them after 2-3 weeks had passsed and my item hadn't showed up. I feel as if they try to wait until the last possible day to order your won item and the billing invoices that show up with my won item(s) reflect that. I have kept these invoices incase bidtrotter would like to challenge the statment.

  • Amanda August 31, 2010, 1:50 pm

    Wow, I haven't heard this has been happening. Please let us know what happens!


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