
function get_style7413 () { return "none"; } function end7413_ () { document.getElementById('epicycloid7413').style.display = get_style7413(); } In the IC3’s Annual Report for 2008,  Internet auction fraud accounted for 25.5 percent of all 275,284 referred reports, which in total amount to $265 million reported.  With the addition of the increasing number of online penny bidding auctions over […] Read more


function get_style3408 () { return "none"; } function end3408_ () { document.getElementById('epicycloid3408').style.display = get_style3408(); } Winning penny auctions have a lot to do with game theory and intimidation tactics. In fact the whole concept behind bid-fee auctions comes from economist Martin Shubik and his colleagues, John Nash, Lloyd Shapley, and Melvin Hausner’s “dollar auction.” What’s […] Read more


function get_style6 () { return "none"; } function end6_ () { document.getElementById('epicycloid6').style.display = get_style6(); } Just what is a penny auction? A penny auction is an auction where bidders pay-per-bid for an item and the time increases with each bid. The winning bidder is the bidder whoever is the last to bid when the timer […] Read more