Is CentMonkey Legit?

monkey business / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

If you only had a daily average pageview of under 400 would you be auctioning off $10,663.71 worth of items at noon on a Sunday?

CentMonkey is. Some of their auctions right now:

  • $5,000 with 108 bids.
  • MacBook Pro  that has so far received 55,720 bids,
  • A Canon camcorder with 15,852. Really?
  • centmonkey.comYottaBid had around 800 page views and they couldn’t turn a profit with the majority of their items valued at under $400. They auctioned off so many items including a desktop computer valued at $488 and let go of it for 161 bids. Bids were about $0.80. A $248 Michael Kors clutch, they shipped it out to the winning bidder with only two bids placed TOTAL. They took  losses and they didn’t use shill autobidders and they did ship the item. A $250 KitchenAid Mixer 38 bids total. A Playstation 3 with only 71 bids total, I could go on and on with examples like this. They had more traffic than the majority of these penny auctions (which should not even be called auctions at all. Maybe they should be required to hold an auctionereeing license?).

    The majority of these penny auctions are NOT in business to give away items, they may NEVER ever ship any items, maybe a few with low values to reel people in. Even after PayPal complaints you may never get your money back.

    Penny, “reverse,” pay-per-bid auctions can be set up by anyone who is STUPID enough to code the software or pay a shady developer for a Swoopo Clone script.

    How can you people live with yourselves knowing  full well that you are STEALING from ANYONE who purchases bids on your site?!?


    THERE ARE LEGITIMATE SITES that DO SHIP out product and that DO end up giving items away.

    Take a look at Cent Monkey’s ended auctions:

    centmonkeyend Estimated Worth $1503.8 USD
    Title CentMonkey – If You’ve Got the Time, We’ve Got What You Want!
    Description Online Auctions, Best Bargains for electronics, computers and money! Pay with PayPal or ClickandBuy. Easy to get rich!
    Daily Pageview: 353
    Daily Ads Revenue $2.06

    Alexa Ranking: 2,467,379

    They even have a panel listing the top winners and how much they’ve won?

    Mizmoh96 $ 12 093
    Hankniya $ 10 000
    Konitt8 $ 6 035
    Hipna $ 5 000
    heilard $ 5 000
    kiwa4258 $ 5 000
    ogazera $ 2 999
    Shij $ 2 999
    Zapanne6 $ 2 500

    It seems like CentMonkey COULD POSSIBLY be a scam complete with autobidders.

    Have you tried CentMonkey? Please join the forum.

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