2-year old penny auction site BidTrotter.com is now gone. Just last month users were reporting a drop off in communication and failure to receive items, now many consumers are left in the dark with their money in the hands of BidTrotter. One reader just told us that he’s lost as much as $2,000!
The following comment was posted last week by a PAW member, one of the many who had bid on the penny auction site:
“Looks as though another trusted site is ripping off bidders.
No communication from emails or phone calls for weeks now.
Started chargebacks today I would bet there are plenty users who have been on this site for some time and trusted this guy and are past the deadline to chargeback.
Also site is gone now also.
Time to make these owners accountable for ripping off trusted customers.
Bidders don’t let this owners give their BS anymore if you don’t get your items chargeback before the time limit is up.”
If you bid on BidTrotter and have items/money owed to you you may want to initiate chargebacks like others have done.
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Charlie February 23, 2011, 5:58 pm
“If you bid on BidTrotter and have items/money owed to you you may want to initiate chargebacks like others have done.”
And you wonder why companies such as BidRivals ask for identification from customers?
Yes, go to your credit company if a company goes out of business and you’re owed money/prizes. But, I wonder how many people will just chargeback because they didn’t win anything?
Or how many will chargeback after they receive their prizes or money? You’d be surprised how some customers cheat the company, but I guess you don’t write about that because that would go against your user base?
Amanda February 24, 2011, 3:57 pm
I said they may want to initiate chargebacks if they don’t get a refund on unused bids/ items don’t come. And no, I have talked about users that cheat customers and yes Bidrivals should use a 3rd party. The FBI even warns against sending PHOTO ID’s to claim auction wins.
Justanotherpost February 25, 2011, 6:34 pm
This is all BS, Come on Amanda I wish you had a site that took card payments and then we could spread the word and tell people to chargeback on you and report your site to the feds etc
You dont talk about consumers who bid and chargeback even after winning items. Thats the problem this site has, it talks about everything to destroy a site or its owners. You look to find everything and anything to discredit a site and then you write libel and use the word SCAM in the same sentence or “is it a scam”. Its your M?O so dont try to be defensive cause your actions have showed you are another TMZ but just in a different industry.
trinicherry April 27, 2011, 12:44 am
I was a member of bidtrotter.com. From my investigations earlier before I spent my money was that Bidtrotter.com was owned by Amazon .com….was I wrong? I doubt it….you guys should look into that because all my winnings from bidtrotter was sent by amazon.com
Troy C September 27, 2011, 9:02 pm
This is for those contemplating joining Zbiddy. My personal review, I don’t have anywhere else to post it, but I feel like it is pretty important and useful if you are thinking about joining.
I just joined the website. its really whatever and not that worth it. I just registered today and wasted a couple hours of my life, but I also read a bunch of reviews. What I can tell you is that anyone who advocates and reviews Zbiddy positively is probably working for Zbiddy. I see a lot of spam-like reviews even in comment sections like this that have to be workers for Zbiddy. As far as bots go, I am really not sure. But here are the tips and hints I can give you after some hours of figuring it out.
First of all heres whats important in the way it works; when the item is almost running out of time (below 13 seconds) the name of the bidder is shown under the time. anytime the time is below 13 seconds and someone else bids, the clock restarts to 13 seconds; so its pointless trying to bid at 1 second because all that will do is restart the clock, and get the person who almost won pissed, and he will make sure you wont win. The only way to win is for everyone to just be down for someone else to win (maybe out of pitty? or disbelief that someone can actually win?). Whenever I see a bid below 5 seconds, I dont bid over it, I would rather just have that person win, and I hope they would do the same for me (even though I doubt that will ever happen). Because the clock restarts to 13 seconds every time someone bids, an auction literally can last hours or days with less than 13 seconds left on it’s clock. So here are some hints That I can give you to increase your chance of success if you are still down to join Zbiddy (after all I told you, you can see your chances are very slim in winning).
hint 1: Biddyz doesnt let you choose your own username, they just make it similar to your email address you input. Ie. my email is gorillapimpin, they made my username gorilla_435 or some random numbers. Maybe you should make a new username like plzletwin@whatever.com since others can see your username before they decide to bid and take back the clock 10 seconds. It seems like its really about others just letting you win at the end of the day, and having a friendly username could help.
hint 2: if you want to register and not buy a 60 dollar package, try and sign up but then dont put in the correct billing information, after you press go it will say that you can’t continue on because ur billing is messed up, but then if you go to the home site you will see that you did in fact register successfully. You can then go and buy a cheeper package like I did. I think i got 45 bids for 18 or something.