Bidder’s Paradise Bp8.Hk Empty Handed?

empty handedAccording to reports received from two separate sources, it has been alleged that the Hong Kong based penny auction site, BiddersParadise at does not have any items on hand that they display in auctions on their website.

Allegedly, bidders are required to first win the item, after they’re actual affiliates of the company and have invested a hefty sum in a bid pack purchase, then win an item and go out to a retailer carrying the item, purchase said item out of their own pocket then submit the receipt to Bidder’s Paradise for reimbursement.

A report from a Penny Auction Watch reader,

“According to her, she and her husband both “won” iPads. They purchased at the Apple store and submitted the receipt to BLGM. Last week she got an email that they were depositing her reimbursement into her ewallet. All of the money–bid packs and reimbursements–move through the affiliate’s online wallet. You can’t bid unless you’re an affiliate. ”



Even more absurd than the minimum bid purchase commitment of $1,175 dollars.


Read our last post on Bidder’s Paradise http Bidder’s Paradise Home of the $1,175 Bid Pack and Confusing MLM marketing model, and let us know what you think of this and all other penny auction sites either in the comments section or our forum: 


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1 comment… add one
  • myStory April 1, 2014, 10:36 am

    They do have items on hand but only in hong kong at the office but still you pay 50% Real cash and you get the item

    Im from USA I have won 300 and + items my picture is on the winners wall of fame a few times..
    A few months ago the company use to pay me the items into my bank and i made a lot of money right there. Like this is how this business would be great BUT received a mail one day and they toll me that they coudnt pay me though my bank any more .

    Instead they offer me to can pay me with cash or ewalet cause the bank restriction… Since hk points have no value any more (actually never have) unless someone wanted to buy units….

    This is NOT a business anymore cause i have a friend that his wire is from November 7


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