Maybe the name says it all… Right now on there are 63 items all actively ending here in under 1 minute. There appears to be bidders on each item. Leading bidders usernames: krazytj, SteveOOOO2, Kel1969, Bear64, TurnitUp, Squat64, snickerdoodle, TheKing, BarbieK, RJones. Interesting how there are two users with 64 in their usernames.
“About Us: Welcome to LazyBids, you have come to one of the newest but HOTTEST , fast-paced Daily eCommerce company to hit the web. We have a wide range of products that you can win at ridiculously low prices. Check out our Live Auctions now to see which one you would like to jump into, buy bids, place bids, simple as that. Each bid raises the sales price .01, the last bidder at the pre-determined price wins item. LazyBids offers Buy it Now option, if you don’t win the auction, you can still save big with the buy it now option, prices usually much lower than retail.”
“All auctions at LazyBids have a reserve price. The reserve price varies on each auction and is put in place to secure the longevity and health of the LazyBids Penny Auction. The reserve price can be any price and cannot be predicted upfront.”
SO not only is LazyBids the NEWEST and HOTTEST eCommerce company to hit the web, they truly are LAZY – being as hot as they are they didn’t have time to get their own McAfee and TrustE website seals. When clicking on the seals links go straight to the seal certification pages for
Also note the Norton SSL and seals on the page? Well, the site is not secured by SSL. So any of your personal information entered on the site may not be protected.
Not the first time a penny auction displayed trust signals that aren’t true… talk about lazy when they copy them from
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Anonymous November 5, 2013, 6:26 pm
Yeah the payment page is also not secured. And they are asking for payment via
William November 5, 2013, 8:43 pm
Why do you constantly attack peoples web sites? for something as simple as lazybids not updating a image on thier site? And you wonder why so many penny auction sites close thier doors? Its impossible for any one to open one if people like you relentlessly attack them for no reason at all. You point out that they use bots just because two user accounts have the number 64? is that what you base your facts on? That site uses reserve auctions Amanda, they have no bots whats so ever, they had a custom reserve auction system coded that keeps the auction going until a reserve is met. NO BOTS WHATS SO EVER yet you accuse every one of using bots. Theyre site was made using a beezid clone template from a popular script vendor thats where the seals came from. I just think its terrible that you attack every penny auction site that opens, and this is a good exsample of you attacking one for no reason.
Amanda Lee November 6, 2013, 9:08 am
I do not “attack” every site that opens. I just found it odd and was pointing out my observations I did not accuse them of having bots. The seal thing and SSL seals were a bit concerning so I pointed it out. Will gladly post a follow up. However I find it odd that you are the site owner and did not know that you had fake seals on your site???
butch November 5, 2013, 9:19 pm
WOW! Nothing like getting attacked or accused without a simple email or phone call to us to ask questions. I am part of the LazyBid team, our sole intentions were and still are to provide a fair and honest site. First, we have NO BOTs, all of our auctions are reserve auctions, no need for bots, all members you see on the site are real bidders, in fact 99% of the bids being place are free bids being given to new members
Yes, the seals issues was simply a mistake, we have our own seal with our payment gateway, the two seals from Beezids was simply a mistake since our site uses the same template. The seals were removed within minutes of the issue being pointed out to us, nothing lazy about the time and effort put into this site to provide a safe and fun shopping environment.
Hopefully some of the members here will report the positive news of our site, Fast Free shipping, some of your members have won gift cards today with their free bids, thanks for giving my 2 minute here
Amanda Lee November 6, 2013, 9:00 am
Glad to hear it, was not stating that you had bots and I see that you have reserves and one user told me they won an item already. So it was a clone script with the seals already on it and you just didn’t take them off?
Gee Kah November 6, 2013, 10:12 pm
Guys, opening your business to the public without verifying whether or not the clone script you bought had negative impact links for your site shows a high level of unprofessionalism. Who would want to spend money on a cloned site that is obviously run by an incompetent team? Take the time to check through all of your links! How do you know that your site is working? Great start. The only thing I can think of is that this was done on purpose to get you guys some press. I hope Beezid sues you. Keep up the good work exposing the maggots, Amanda. You put the W in PAW.
nadsak December 4, 2013, 1:18 am
No site with reserved auctions ever make it. Sorry, but the truth is you must be able to sustain a loss before making a profit.
Annie January 7, 2014, 5:41 pm
Annie’s bid seems to be doing well and they have many reserve auctions
KraZyDI May 18, 2014, 1:21 am
I agree with your comment on AnniesBid. The customer service wasn’t the best and shipping was horribly slow. But I won many great auctions and DID eventually receive them. They have resolved the customer service and shipping issues, for the most part. The only problem now is getting auctions to close. I was a pretty heavy hitter (IWantIGet) and went up against powerbidders, which most won’t do. I eventually made it up in the top 5 bidder’s for a while. But the slow shipping & CS made me stop bidding. Most of the top bidders have gone to other sites, because of the same problems. You have a few still there and newbies. But there are auctions still going, that started over a year ago!! I love the site and the items. They need to lower the reserve prices and the bid packages prices. They used to have great promo codes for 3 times extra bids and 25% off. I have checked off and on…I really haven’t seen any. AnniesBid. ..lower your reserve and bid packages! I would start bidding again.
L August 30, 2014, 5:50 pm
I am NOT a First Time Penny Auction bidder.. I have never been so disgusted with a site. I’m sorry to start this way!
BUT, to begin with upon simply joining.. BEEZBIDS site FORCES you to purchase bids!! That disturbed me right out of the gate.. I am aware buying bids is part of the game… But have NEVER been charged that much money or ANY, just for joining.. I thought it would be like any other. I join, then purchase bids upon my own desire! Then bid and try to win. The one part I have never used is the “sniper” and “autobeezbid” type of bidding. I have owned a business for 27 years and if I conducted business in such a manner to my customers, I would be out of business!
So as it stands… They have my money!! And yes I thought the “GW” was a positive!!! Little did I know.. I could only bid on one single pre-chosen item ever! And the remaining “win bids” are USELESS!
William September 22, 2014, 2:40 am
I saw the stories about arrowbid & the attorney general of there states getting involved to rid these money Hungary website owners from the ebusiness …now time for Bidserious to get a call from the Attorney General of there state .. They were telling there partners that they are doing good things , and it is the direct opposite in my opinion …. They have the same players , same screen names on every other auction … Then they win auction for , true pennies , but when honest people get involved in an auction , somehow the bidding war starts and you end up losing all your bid and win nothing … I had a friend win a $25 gift card from bidserious and it cost him all 100 bids he bought = $60 , then he had to pay a shipping and handling fee…. Bidserious will be finding a quick end in it’s near future ….
Buster January 2, 2015, 10:30 pm
Sorry, Butch, I don’t buy it. Yeah, we copied someone else’s seals when we built our website. It was just a simple mistake. Until we got caught. I almost joined Beezids, but decided to do a little more research. Never mind…