Have You Bid on MauiBids.com?

mauibids-auction-deals-hawaiiWhat have your bidding experiences been on MauiBids.com? One Penny Auction Watch member tells us that she is still owed 5 items dating back to January 27 of this year.  That’s over 5 months now! Did you know that there’s actually a law regarding how fast a company ships to a consumer?

Check this out, from the FTC:

“Complying With The Rule

By law, you must have a reasonable basis for stating that a product can be shipped within a certain time. If your advertising doesn’t clearly and prominently state the shipment period, you must have a reasonable basis for believing that you can ship within 30 days.

If you can’t ship within the promised time (or within 30 days if you made no promise), you must notify the customer of the delay, provide a revised shipment date and explain his right to cancel and get a full and prompt refund. – https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/selling-internet-prompt-delivery-rules

MauiBids claims to be the “The World’s Most Trusted Way to Save on Maui Trips and More!”

They offer auctions for hotel stays in Hawaii, coconut syrup, Maui grown coffee, Hawaii restaurant certificates, beach towels, tours and zipline tickets all in the penny auction format. It’s a great concept and nice Hawaiian themed items, but it’s concerning that a customer of the site is still waiting to receive her won items.

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