Are Penny Auctions Ebid4Cash & Ebidshopper Legit?


A Penny Auction Watch forum member told us that he won an auction on cash penny auction and has yet to receive it and they’re not responding to his e-mails.

He also tells us, “Mysterious auctions that show up in the closed section that has not been placed on the main page with a countdown timer. One auction shows “none” as the winner on the $125. But when you go to the detail page. You can see their 4 bots listed as bidders. The way their auto bid works is it takes a bid from every user at the same time. Interesting the $500 auction ended with 5 active bidders. Four of them had their autobid stop at the same time. Leaving congo as the winner.”

Ebid4Cash is running auctions for GBP “cash” in large amounts ranging from £500 to £10,000. ebidshopper

Whois information for both &


ebid4cash whois
If you have tried either of these penny auctions please let us know!

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1 comment… add one
  • Teddy August 1, 2010, 12:08 pm

    I have been winning nicely!
    So do not know what the deal ia about.
    It has cash butker on th site and set your bids.
    Its new site sure.. but give it break.
    I have no complaints.


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