We all (if not, where have you been?!) know about, and some of us have come to love Groupon and penny auctions. But have you ever wondered what would happen if both were combined? The folks behind PennyAuction.ca did (way to go thinking outside the box!), they just launched PennyAuctionCoupon.com. Penny Auction Coupon aims to become the Groupon of penny auction coupons.
The gist: Penny Auction Coupon tells us they promote “one incredibly low priced bid pack from some of the best penny auctions everyday.” Like Groupon, Penny Auction Coupon runs on the group-buying concept, there will be a set number of bid packs that will need to be sold before the deal is on.
David of PennyAuction.ca/Penny Auction Coupon tells us, “I truly believe that this will help grow the penny auction industry and will bring a valuable service to bidders. We will only consider sites with great reviews on PAW and has been in business for at least 3 months.”
Penny Auction Coupon’s inaugural deal offers a $25 bid pack to PennyAuctions.ca for $5, so far 40 customers have bought! Following the deal for PennyAuction.ca, will be a discounted bid pack for SpeedyFinger.com which will go on sale this Thursday, October 21st.
Get your invite to Penny Auction Coupon & Groupon.
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