Penny Auction for Music Lovers Launched Today

musibids penny auction for, the first penny auction site to cater to music lovers launched today. MusiBids’ main focus is musical instruments and accessories, but they tell us they’re open to anything music related. The owner tells us she’s worked in the music retail industry for over 7 years and saw a need to provide instruments at a lower cost.

Current items up for bid include:

  • Clarinet Reeds,
  • iTunes Gift cards,
  • Manhasset Music Stand,
  • Yamaha Trumpet valued at $1,039,
  • Korg TM-40 Digital Tuner Metronome, Hohner Harmonica,
  • Fender Accoustic Guitar, LP Djembe, Saxophone Reeds, a Kordg MicroKORG Synthesizer/Vocoder, and iBeat Headphones.

All new users will receive 10 free bids upon registration.

New to penny auctions and wondering how they work?

A penny auction is an online auction that gives consumers the opportunity to win popular items for less than retail, though this is not always the case, winning is possible on legit sites. Bidders pay anywhere from $0.10-$1.50 per bid for a chance to win an item. The object is to be the last bidder ‘standing’ when the clock hits 0-ended. Once you win you pay the final end price (if required) plus any applicable shipping + taxes.

MusiBids is the first music – niche penny auction site, it can be found by going to

Have you tried MusiBids? Definitely join our penny auction forum, (free) and post about your experiences with MusiBids and all other penny auction sites. 


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3 comments… add one
  • Arnold Tice November 16, 2014, 12:59 pm

    Looks like a good way to get equipment


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