BidRivals Was Acquired by, but Did They Take the Site Down Due to Prior Pending Litigation Troubles? gonePenny auction site is down again, this time taken offline by the site’s new owners.

Penny Auction Watch members are currently discussing the status of in our penny auction forum.

Recently we reported that the international penny auction site based in Malta had undergone voluntary dissolution, we then learned that BidRivals had been transferring ownership.

According to posts by one of our members, and information posted on prior to the site being pulled offline again, it looks like BidRivals was acquired by European penny auction site CEO Vikash Roopram.

One of our members, Engine2011 told us:

“THE NEW BIDRIVALS MANAGEMENT & NEW SOURCE OF FINANCIAL BACKING that has bailed BIDRIVALS LIMITED out of financial difficulty and has prevent their excellent website from closing down is thanks to the intervention of a gentleman called VIKASH ROOPRAM who is the NEW CEO at BIDRIVALS…. and the additional good news is that this Gentleman is no stranger to the Penny Auction Industry.. he is also currently involved with the Penny Auction Website called who’s business status is currently ‘Active’ you will all be very pleased and reassured to know!”

vikash roopram bidson bidrivals ceo

BidRivals was recently up for a short time, but now, due to pending lawsuits, which seem to have been unbeknownst to Bidson prior to them acquiring the site appears to have caused them to shut down

On May 9th BidRivals’ new management posted the following message, to the BidRivals Facebook Page, informing customers of the transitions and assuring them that won items will be delivered: 


BidRivals’ New Owners Mention BidRivals Lawsuit Problems has been following the Bidrivals situation since the penny auction site initially went offline and has been diligently reporting updates on their blog.

GamblingNerd recently stated that BidRivals had posted the following message to their Facebook page on May 25th. I went to BidRivals’ Facebook Page to find the message, but was unable to find any updates after May 14th stating that they are back online and a status update from the 19th promoting upcoming items.

gambling nerd bidrivals update

Penny Auction Watch member chetat shared the following message with us which suggests that Bidson has now shut down due to pending lawsuits that were filed against the penny auction when it was run by the Malta based founders. 

“reçu message ce jour de bidson :

Dear, When we took over the company we were not told that there is 9 pending law suits. So to protect our company and the future bidders we had to close down the website. I’m very sorry you had to met this. Regards,

write anabat22 on

These messages seem to have been posted by someone with the new ownership of to Please note that these posts are not perfect translations from the original French:

“Par ELOY le 25/05/2012 à 22:11

Bid Rivals Dear Sam,
I agree with you that Madbid is a very good sample for us.
You all may noticed that the former Bidrivals kept offering auctions without being able to deliver. This caused a lot of problems and bad reviews. It will takes months / maybe up to a year to grow over the reputation and damage. There are a lot of penny auction company’s that just disappeared without honoring their commitments towards users. The same was about the happen with current pending deliveries and we want to prevent this. We will do all our best to send the products as soon as possible. I hope winners could understand that sorting things out from a very messy situation could take time. I hope we’ll get time so we can make sure everybody have smile at the end.
Hace 43 minutos · Me gusta”

Par ELOY le 25/05/2012 à 22:30

Bid Rivals Bid Rivals Yes Alan,
There are lawsuits against Bidrivals LTD and that we took over the assets (not Bidrivals LTD). All lawsuits are being targeted towards our company. We asked the former owners if there we’re law suits. Always denied. Now we are working hard to get Bidrivals live again without any interruption. Sorry for the turbulent time regarding The domain is currently turned off for owner change and formal changes.
Hace 3 horas · Me gusta”

We’ve e-mailed the new management of Bidrivals for comment and will let you know what else we find out.

Have you heard from’s new ownership? Are you still waiting for won auction items? Come on over to our forum and discuss this with us in our BidRivals thread here

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