BargainsandFun Needs Beta Testers

Beta testers are needed on new penny auction site They just posted to the forum (where all the fun stuff is at!) to tell us that they would like to run the beta test tentatively from December 14th-17th. Bargainsandfun is located in the US and that is their target market, but anyone in the world can participate in the testing.

Any User that takes part in the Beta test will be given a 25 free bids (an $18.75 value) when the site goes live (which is planned for January 1st 2010).

Here’s what they need beta testers to do:

“As with all testing I need people to not only test the things they wish to test like bidding but to also test some other things to make sure that the site is 100% ready for a real world deployment.

  • Bidders – Obviously I need people to register on the site and bid on the auctions.
  • People to buy bids – For testing purposes I’m going to create a bidpack (only for the BetaTest) that will be $.01 and give 10 bids. I am using the live paypal site not the development site so you will actually have to pay the .01
  • People to make purchases – For testing purposes I will need people to make purchases on some of the items won. Once again this will be on the live paypal site NOT the development site so you will be charged.
  • People to Signup for a Newsletter (yes i’ll be sending one during the test)
  • People to submit a form from the contact us page.

As for the money spent in paypal It will all be refunded back to you as soon as the testing is completed.

NO ITEMS will actually be sold during this testing process – they will all be Dummy items just for testing purposes.

We would like to thank everyone who helps out in advance for their cooperation. You can begin registering on the site now, however no actual test auctions will be starting until Monday at 9:00AM. Please feel free to take a look around and if you see anything wrong please let us know.

Also, on registration you will be given 2000 bids to use during the test. After testing is over we will change all accounts to represent the 25 free bids + the 10 that all new users will receive.

We would also like to welcome any comments, questions, or requests that anyone here may have.

Thank you”

Discuss Bargainsandfun in the penny auction forum.

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1 comment… add one
  • RICK CALFY March 7, 2010, 1:46 am

    i would like to be one of youer testerd,,,im disabled,so i have plenty of time to help out if interested e mail

    thank you

    rick calfy


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