Winnit’s Porsche Winner $17.10

Congratulations to the  winner “chazza” of Winnits lowest unique bid auction for a 2010 Porsche Cayman, the winning bid was $17.10. This would mean that there were at least 1,710 bids (at $4 per bid) placed on the auction.

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1 comment… add one
  • Suzanne December 11, 2009, 10:31 pm

    I played & won a Nintento Wii back on Nov 11th. I really thought I would have received the Wii by now (Dec 11) but it doesn’t appear to have even been shipped yet. I realize that the “Rules & Regs” state shipment with 30 Business Days, BUT… I just don’t understand why shipping would take so long when ebay & most businesses ship within 2 – 3 days! This was going to be a Christmas gift but maybe not. I know of another Wii winner that has the same shipping issue, she won a Wii shortly after I, she planned it to be Christmas gift for her 6 year old niece. It’s nice because neither of us really had 200.00 to buy a Wii for the kids but not sure what we will do now. I hate to disappoint the kids but…

    On another note, I did have fun playing & I tried to keep my spending in tack but I did end up putting $50.00 too much, i.e. over my budget in. You have to be in control of your spending when playing on One can easily get “caught up” in the auction. It’s not like the normal auction where you can say I’ll spend up to 20.00 for this item. You get caught up in the “guessing game” and end up spending 20.00 in guesses and still don’t get the item. At least in traditional auction if you spend the 20.00 you get the item. It kind of reminds me of when playing casino slots. You keep hitting the Spin button just knowing your going to hit the jackpot on the next spin.

    As soon as I get my Wii I will probably close my account. It is very tempting to put more money in the account & play some more. I only log in now to check on Shipment.


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