Seems Like DigitalFruit’s Intelligent Investment Protector (Bots) Are Still There

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Many months ago we were harassed in the comments section when posting about‘s bot function , they said our post was wrong about DF’s programmable “bots,” (shill bidders- set by the company to bid against real users) even though e-mails to them showed that they did have the IIP, someone said it wasn’t there anymore, here’s from one of the comments we received:

To make clear and understandable to anyone: we do not sell, develop or install bots, if some third party does do it then, happy using it, its your own risk and fault. Sooner or later they will fail as using bots is Digital Fruit can not and will not take any responsibility for that. Our code is 99% open to anyone edit and add own modules after setup to server so there is no way control what happens afterwards. I have seen copy of it in Internet distributed so it would not too hard for PAW to get hands on to see if there is or is not any “speacial” code.”

Well, now we’ve received an e-mail from an unhappy customer of Digital Fruit’s, unhappy because the Intelligent Investment Protector (IIP)  bot program was installed when they didn’t want to use it.

Description of Digital Fruit’s IIP feature from a PDF sent to us by a customer of DF –view the PDF file.

“17 – Hvr

This the price / value for how long bots keep overbidding each other on auction. When you do not have
any real users bidding, then bots will play until the current price of the auction is equal to HVR and then
the auction ends and a bot wins. Ofcourse when real users are bidding also on that auction, the bots will
overbid each other also, but when the current price reaches HVR, they will not overbid each other
anymore – then they will overbid real users until BEP is reaced. This is calculated: 1bid = bid price interval
(Settings->Auctions, usually 0,01) and Current price = amount of bids * bid price interval

I will make an example:

Retail price of a product is 100, average bid price is 2

You will set HVR to 1.59 (bots will overbid each other until Current price = HVR and they continue over
bidding real users until BEP is reached)

You will set BEP 50 (50% of retail price). This means the real users have to make enough bids to cover
50% of products retail price (50% of 100 is 50). The value of the one bid is 2, so they have to make 50 / 2
= 25 bids to cover the BEP. When real users have made these bids, then bots will stop over bidding them
and then a real user can win. When BEP is not reached, then bot will win an auction and you can put this
product on auction again. When BEP is reached bots will stop bidding, but real users can continue
overbidding each other.

The protector names are in admin interface Modules->Protectors. This name pool is always compared
against real users to escape situation where Internal and real users do have the same user name.

Real and Internal players’ bids are marked differently – there is column “Is protect” that shows values
“yes” and “no” – real users have value “no” and protectors “yes”.

Also you have columns appearance, stage, strategy, risk level in modules->protectors:

Appearance: how often player appears in site. Value 0 – 1 . 0 almost never, 1 as often as possible

Stage: how often will bid in running auction after first bid. Value 0 – 1 . 0 almost never, 1 as often as

Risk Level: will it bid on the begging on middle or in the end of auction. Value 0 – 1. 0 = on the first part,
1 = more on the end of auction.

Strategy: will it bid in last second or bid more nervously. Value 0 – 1. 0 = bids as soon as last bidder has
put own bid, 1= waits to last second.

Those numbers are more as guidance and do not have absolute power over result as final result is also
influenced highly by Investment Protector algorithm.

If you wish that certain protector will not bid anymore, then set all these values to 0.0001, then they will
stop bidding. Do not just delete protector, change appearance, stage, strategy, risk level to 0.0001 for
Maybe you’re wondering why our previous post called for long-overdue oversight, well this is why.

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