Did TheOutbidders Vanish and Take Our Money With Them?

UPDATE: 2/7 – We’ve yet to hear from TheOutBidders. The owner is alleged to be Seth Haden of Bellevue, NE.

Just recently TheOutbidders.com went down and the site has failed to respond to customers that had purchased bids and had outstanding wins. We’ve e-mailed TheOutbidders and have not yet received a response. Some bidders have reported never receiving any items from them.

On January 15th a forum member posted the following, according to the site they are down due to a web hosting issue:

“I received an email from him today…his hosting site is still trying to recover the data bases. I’m not going to post the email here because I haven’t gotten his permission to, but I asked him to please keep the forum updated since he cant send out emails through the site. Hopefully he will post here and let us know what he is going to do about the site and wins that are owed. I DO feel terrible for him…but I am also mad….I think because it just keeps happening to me (and many of you guys) over and over again.”

Have you bid on TheOutbidders.com and haven’t received items or a response from them? Some bidders have initiated chargebacks and if we are unable to hear from them bidders may have to file complaints with the FTC, see FTCcomplaintassistant.gov

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3 comments… add one
  • caveninit January 24, 2011, 10:41 am

    I don’t understand why he hasn’t come in and updated anyone here. He has replied to some of my emails. The last email I got from him was on Friday 1/21:

    “The situation is grim, the server host company has not been communicating with me so I really do not have any updates, it really only leaves me the option to bring suit against them for the damages. The only records that I still have are the orders that were processed through GoogleCheckout, so we will will still be able to fulfill the orders that have not been charged back or canceled. Without the databases though there is just no feasible way to continue the site, but as I have always told people even if the site was to close we would still meet our obligations to our customers, which we still will.”

    The Outbidders

  • bradjar January 24, 2011, 4:32 pm

    How terrible for Seth and Outbidders. I am waiting on one $25 Gift Card from the NFL Shop from November. It was processed through Google Checkout.


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