Interview with Soon to Join EAA Penny Auction DealDash

buy it now2 years and running, penny auction just recently began the auditing process with Align CPA with plans on joining the penny auction trade association, the Entertainment Auction Association.

They’ve also recently informed us that they’re considering a special “no jumpers” type auction and plans on sending e-mails out tonight to members with a discount offer.

Another interesting feature, DealDash allows members to view a list of bidder’s who have reached their win limit for 1 credit.

We recently interviewed to find our more about what their penny auction site has to offer.

Penny Auction Watch℠: What got you interested in the entertainment shopping industry?

DealDash: We started out in February 2009 and at that time, the penny auction scene was just getting started. Everyone at DealDash loves a good deal and excitement, and that´s what a penny auction can provide. Too bad we are forced to bid on other sites since we can´t bid on DealDash.

Penny Auction Watch℠: How often do you offer items?

DealDash: DealDash is open 24/7. Some of the best deals are typically made in the evenings.
Penny Auction Watch℠: What kind of items do you offer?

DealDash: We do our best to make sure that we run any kind of merchandise that our bidders want to bid on. As long as there are bids being placed on the item we will keep listing them up. If you are a bidder and have ideas for new cool products or if you are a company with great merchandise contact us at!

Penny Auction Watch℠: What are the timer increments between bids, and does this vary by auction?

DealDash: The timer starts at 30 seconds and as the auction continues it quickly speeds up to 20 seconds and then finally to 10 seconds.

Bids cost: $0.60.

Buy it Now Option: On DealDash you can use the Buy it Now feature to get all your bids back if you don´t win the auction and you buy the item from our store.

Penny Auction Watch℠: What are your shipping costs?

DealDash: Very reasonable, most items are between $3-$10.

Penny Auction Watch℠: What are your win limits?

DealDash: We do our very best to even the playing field for all bidders and limit the maximum wins per week for items worth more than $200 to 3 & 6 per week for items worth less than $200.

Penny Auction Watch℠: Is there a story behind the DealDash name/theme?

DealDash: We felt penny auctions had to be fast and they had to be exciting. Everyone is dashing for deals on DealDash.

Penny Auction Watch: Thank you! Is there anything else you would to share with PAW readers?

DealDash: Our approach is very unique in the sense that we give an unusual amount of product value back to our bidders. The far majority of all the money we make through sales gets funneled back to users in form of brand new products. Many experienced penny auction bidders seem to chose us over other sites for this very reason. If you haven´t tried bidding on DealDash yet, make sure to send Dave an email at to see if you can get a good introductory offer.

PAW forum members have won & received items on, have you? Tell us about your experiences by joining the penny auction forum!

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10 comments… add one
  • kevin March 2, 2011, 5:43 pm

    The EEA is partly owned by Bidcactus and is a self-proclaimed governing body of the Penny auction industry. Why would any penny auction site want to open their site up an audit by another company such as Bidcactus, their customers email address are available for the taking. Their seems to be an ethical problem with these audits.

    • Sam January 24, 2012, 11:26 pm

      I was looking for a new auction, being bored with the ones I had used. I ran across DealDash. This Deal Dash bunch need busted by the Federal Trade Commission. I bought my bids, waited until something came up for bid I was interested in which was a new laptop PC, and started. I was doing pretty well, holding my own, when someone by the name of BIDDERBILL came into the bidding. All of the other bidders just quit, (except me) I slowed down my bids, then someone else came back in, and I stopped for a while. Occasionally, I would bid again, and when I did Bidder bill would start back agressively bidding again. I stopped for a while, and he would stop also. It was sure funny how I would place a bid, and he would counter it real quick. I would stop, and so would he. Needless to say, I just walked away. something with that site just wasn’t right. Never won a thing on that site. Won’t go back either.

  • kevin March 2, 2011, 5:47 pm

    I would like to know why PAW accepts advertisements from penny auction sites. PAW is a self-proclaimed watchdog for penny auctions. PAW talks about all the bad ethics with penny auctions, what about their ethics? What about their accepting gifts for giveaways from the penny auction sites?

  • kevin March 2, 2011, 5:50 pm

    What are there shipping cost when Dealdash get most of their stuff from Amazon, who gives them free shipping, why not pass then saving to their customer?

  • kevin March 2, 2011, 5:55 pm

    Sorry I meant the EAA on that first comment

  • William Pitchford October 18, 2011, 10:02 am

    I have 150 bids that I paid $21.00 for, yet now when I try to get on to bid, and I give my call name, e-mail,
    and password, it comes back already have a person with those names. All the stuff I put on for my account
    doesn’t let me in. What am I supposed to do, other that cancel my account and request my $21.00 back.

    Thank you

  • William Pitchford October 18, 2011, 10:04 am

    I request the $21.00 I spent for 150 bid, becaue the site is not allowing me in to bid.

  • leland a Siegel June 16, 2014, 12:49 am

    How do I wenn how do I get what I wont


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