Shill Bot Bidding Allegedly Admitted by Penny Auction

Dunny-JailWould you say that is a truly fair penny auction site?

Were you a bidder on and perhaps you noticed some funny business? The penny auction site was just recently listed for sale on, so an interested buyer, who also happens to be a Penny Auction Watch member, e-mailed and what do you know?

Found out that they have admitted to shill bidding their auctions.

Take a look at the e-mail conversation between the interested site buyer and that were just sent in to us and you’ll see in the last screenshot where InfinityBids admits to using bots, saying, “Good! And i will be honest since you are a potential buyer, we used bots only on our very large items to ensure that they didn’t sell exceptionally low, but we still lost a few items for very cheap, and they were only used for our opening when traffic was fairly low, then they were dropped. Thanks”

Degradable. Inexcusable. Shameful. 

Click Images to Enlarge infinitybids-email-bots

infinitybidsAnd here’s the e-mail where InfinityBids allegedly admits to shill bidding with bots:

What do you think? Did you bid on If so, you may have been shilled, at least, as they stated “In the beginning.”

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Photo credits by ffi


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3 comments… add one
  • Anthony March 6, 2012, 2:34 am

    Shameful, just goes to prove that even if you play dirty “only” in the beginning it could still bite you in the ass. I wonder will the new owner if he decides to continue running the site will be able to shake off this black mark.

    Great story from devoted readers ) It’s a good feeling to realize your not a one man army on this cutthroat field

  • Anthony March 7, 2012, 2:29 am

    Amanda hi,

    I Just wanted to drop a short note. Wondered if you received my last couple of emails. I had one question with regards to the interview and I’m exited to take on your guest blog offer and I wanted to draw up a battle plan with you.

    Oh and here’s a cute picture of an owl

    Ps last email copy.
    Amanda hi,

    The weekend turned out to be great, thanks, but I am getting a little bit tiered of winter hope spring will soon be knocking on our door)
    How was your weekend? Did anything special?

    I Just finished reading your work, marvelous I couldn’t even expect that you’d go to such great details. Great work I’ll publish it tomorrow and add it in to our monthly news letter with your permission. I think that our readers should enjoy this and hopefully learn a lot to.

    There’s one part though that made me wonder, have a look

    Question 9)
    “As for gambling laws and whether or not penny auctions can be equated to gambling that really is up in the air. Penny auctions have not been deemed to be gambling. The BBC asked the , but I do know that South Africa was looking into the possibility of this”
    What did the BBC ask? Seems like it’s a bit cut short, did you want to add something or should I leave it as it is?

    About the guest article for PAW, I’m really excited about doing this I think that the topic of responsible development is spot on. I’m ready to start this week ,just wanted to ask a few things. What format would you prefer? Something like we did here – an interview? Or just a monolog/ article?
    Maybe you have some questions you would like to highlight? Or a ethical / professional matter that needs to be stressed additionally? Maybe special cases where a programmer’s expertise would be highly valued?

    And lastly do you have a word limit?) I can sometimes get carried away with writing…

    Have an easy Monday

  • Anthony March 7, 2012, 2:34 am

    ohhh snap…. I’m terribly terribly sorry…I know you moderate all your comments so hopefully no harm done just delete this one I mixed up the forms by accident


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