Did TheBidShak.com Just Scam Bidders and Shut Down?

Did you bid on the penny auctions at TheBidShak.com?

A few months back I personally purchased bids and tested out TheBidShak.com. I won a few gift cards and still had bids remaining in my account. I was surprised to find that they did eventually (after a month) ship three of the cards I won. I won a few more, but due to the long wait time in shipping and the inability to log back in my account I didn’t claim my other items, and they stopped responding to my support e-mails.

There was low competition, so it was quite easy to win the gift card auctions that this penny auction site offered. Perhaps they just lost too much money that they couldn’t afford to ship wins out so decided to shut down like many penny auctions do.

The message displayed on thebidshak.com is now  the “this webpage is not available – the server at thebidshak.com can’t be found, because the DNS lookup failed.” message.

TheBidShak.com’s whois registrant is private, so finding out who ran thebidshak.com won’t be easy, but now may be time to file chargebacks if you had outstanding bids/items and have yet to hear from the penny auction site.

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (http://www.godaddy.com)

Domains By Proxy, LLC

Domain servers in listed order:

Did you bid on TheBidShak.com? Did you feel like something wasn’t right there? Discuss TheBidShak with us in our penny auction forum. Click here to join

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5 comments… add one
  • CardSpecialist October 4, 2012, 11:12 am

    This guy never shipped me a single thing. I didn’t lose much, because it was just shipping charges. I did some digging and I found out exactly who this guy is. He owns another business In Tampa Florida. I don’t care if he doesn’t send the won items, but I would like a refund for my shipping charges. If he keeps that, it is blatant theft. If anyone cares to find out who this clown is, (trust me he is a clown :)) reply to this message.

    • Steve October 11, 2012, 7:51 pm

      I would love to get some info on the guy. I kept track of everything in an Excel file but I am lucky, as are a lot of others, their merchant account was all screwed up. This prevented anyone from paying for their won auctions and the shipping & handling associated with the auction. Before the merchant account issues, I was able to pay for a lot of won auctions and the S&H. I had used my PayPal debit card so I will need to contact PayPal tomorrow and see if they can help.

      Back to the request … I would sure like it if you can send me the information on this guy.

      Thank you,

      • Amanda Lee October 11, 2012, 8:18 pm

        Steve, definitely will try and see what else I can find out if anything. Please do join us in the forum http://www.pennyauctionwatch.com/forum/ and post there about it as well. So sorry to hear this happened to you too

  • Mateyo October 8, 2012, 1:05 pm

    I have had the same experience, except that my won items never arrived. I made the decision to join the site on a whim and I’m sorry to find out that it was mostly a sham. I will be asking for my money back very soon.

  • Dustin November 29, 2012, 2:16 am

    Sorry, I didn’t see these comments until just now. Here is a link to a post I put on FB about this slimeball. Please read it, it’s pretty interesting. https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=9#!/100004229104405/timeline/story?ut=3&hash=-484686845862111228&wstart=1349074800&wend=1351753199&ustart&__user=100004229104405


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