Net4Bids & Feisty Sites Script

The same message we wrote to goes out to all of you fraudulent developers (Net4Bids? FeistySites?).

STOP writing & distributing scripts with shill bidders! Are these the ones that can be found on eBay for $7.85 ? They’re undercutting  mrsinful0909( 38Feedback score is 10 to 49) who is selling the Swoopo clone script for $7.99!

We don’t buy it and you shouldn’t either.

The eBay description of the $7.85 script:This script is a powerful, scalable & fully-featured application that lets you create the ultimate profitable online penny auction website, just like TeleBid, Swoopo & Madbid.

You can check out a demo of the website over at:

username: demouser

password: password1

I logged into the demo page and on the bottom it shows copyright Net4Bids (do a google search on them you will find a ton of the shell sites that are up, this is how I found BigDaddyBid, you may also be interested in knowing that LibertyBids and FlyingHighAuctions both appear to use this script.) In the demo backend under the admin page it shows on the bottom: © 2009 Feisty Sites; All Rights Reserved.

Remember FeistySites?

It is clear that the auction software provided by is far from production ready–for honest auctions that is.  It seems that most sites that run their software are using the “Auto Bidders” feature that allows the site operator to cunningly shill bid their own auctions (aka. using “bots” to automatically bid against you).  The documentation provided from FeistySites actually RECOMMENDS to use Auto-Bidders!  Using fake accounts to bid against real users is a cut-and-dry scam operation, and some of our competitors are clearly using them.

From Zoozle’s Blog

Look at this:

It’s found in the backend of the admin console on the eBay demo (see it for yourself if you don’t believe us) that sites using this script can and are recommended to employ bots: feisty sites scam

feistysites script scam

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13 comments… add one
  • Michael August 5, 2009, 8:28 pm

    I am the original developer of the Feisty Auction software.

    The software has been in development for over 16 months and is used successfully by several clients.

    The software was never intended for mass distribution, nor were autobidders ever part of the script and nor are they now.

    We have developed a RESERVE PRICE system, rather than autobidders, which is a much fairer way for both the bidder and seller.

    12 months ago, a 3rd party developer purchased the script, installed the autobidder script and distrubted it on the internet. It was out of our control.

    At the time, Net4bids was one of our clients, and their theme, as well as 8 other themes were distrubuted, selling for small prices around the Internet.

    I can confirm, that this script is broken and does not work correctly. I am happy to provide ‘Penny Auction Watch’ with a list of Penny Auction websites which I can confirm are safe to bid on.

  • Michael August 5, 2009, 8:28 pm

    Also, I would be more than happy to give my side of the Zoozle development.

  • Debby August 8, 2009, 12:17 pm

    I think is scam site. On may 2009, I purchased $50.00 and won mini laptop really easy. I see delivery time is 6 to 8 weeks. I was so happy and I purchased $500.00 bidpacks and start bid other items too. Badly no winning. Anyway, I won laptop and I was waiting for my laptop until 2 months. Nothing was delivered. I called number that from paypal. The number wasn't for It was merchant account number. They said I have to communicate with bidstick. I did about 1 months and all they saying is will be ship out. But never did. I was dispute the payment from paypal that I paid to About 2 days later the dispute was automaticlly closed reason was replied back to paypal that was degital delivered. I was spoke with paypal that company is scam. Never ship out my winning item. Paypal understand and they opened my claim again. Now It's been about 2 weeks nothing happen. I went back to account and check my winning item again and they changed my winning date to 7/21/2009. I won that items on may now they changed it and never ship out. I was filed this FBI. I guess they are making alot of money with small bidder. This company is really scam… They took the money and not shipping winning item…

  • Debby August 8, 2009, 3:54 pm

    I would like to know if anyone r'cvd winning items from or if anyone who did not r'cv anything from

  • bobbyMcintosh August 12, 2009, 9:25 pm

    Fiesty Sites Is A Ripoff, Nothing Works In That Penny Auction Site That They Created Stay Away From Fiesty Sites And Ebay Becuse Theyt Are Totally Not Worth The 7.85

  • Darren September 28, 2009, 2:28 pm

    Re: bobbyMcintosh. More fool you for thinking you can buy a powerful script like that for $7! Buy the full price script from the developers not from some Romanian scammer selling the software that cheap !

  • Jared December 13, 2009, 2:25 pm

    Debby, I won an apple Ipod for about $20 in bids. It took about 2 months to get because of problems in shipping. That left me a little bitter but I got the item I won and got it really cheap.

  • Previous Customer July 7, 2010, 7:50 am

    I had feisty develop me a penny auction site. One of the worst programmers and liars of all time. The project time was 6 weeks. After 8 weeks, They had like %10 of the website, And I can confirm totally that they had autobids in their admin section. Anyways later on they didn't reply to my emails for a weeks saying that they were on holiday which is bull. so I had to get my credit card company to reverse the charges and the funny part is they fought back 🙂

    Michael and his crew have a crappy cake php software and can't handle anything. Stay away at all costs, this is a warning for those who care.

  • Lawrence December 3, 2010, 6:32 pm

    Unfortunately, I bought some crappy software (swoopo clone off Ebay and realize I bought junk) Where can I get a legit program that works without a hitch with great customer service. Also, where can I find a computer geek to keep my site running at optimal efficiency and deal with programming errors for a monthly fee.

  • morgan January 15, 2011, 11:52 am

    Honestly guys, if you can’t program / fix things – or can’t afford a developer to help you, get our of business and go get a job at swoopo or quibids… or put on a dress and makeup and apply to oohilove 🙂


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